Friday, January 22, 2010

End of Chapter 2 of Esther.

Good Morning Ladies! Great addition of snacks to our meetings! Loved it. Also, so happy Jessie came. Chicken nuggets.

Going to do the questions a little different this week because I want us to get deeper into how any of this book affects who we are right here, right now in 2010. So, here goes. Mackenzie & Maraih read the end of Chapter 2 starts at verse 19 to like 22. Jessie you should read thru chapters 1 and 2 daily for the week to get up to speed not forgetting the end of chapter 2.

I want you to start making a list of the character qualities of each person in the story. We should have done this to start with but hey better late than never. Anyway, take a piece of paper and write Xerxes at the top and underline it. Then one that says Mordecai, and one with Hadassah/Esther, etc. (you can put them all on one paper I don't care just be sure you have plenty of room to add to it over the next 8 chapters. ) You may want to do one for the eunuchs and even the advisors, get creative.

Skim over the first two chapters this week (while you are reading the end of 2) and write down words or phrases that describe the character of each person in the story. Like Vashti, she was brave, what else? Esther, she was genuine, not plastic. Get the picture. Write the verse number of where you find the character quality. I don't want just our opinions. We want it right from God's Word. Post a few that really stuck out to you, especially the ones you want to talk about. Don't need to post alot - just enough to let me know you did your homework.

Ok, now get going! I'm going to back off talking so much next week - your lists from this week will fuel our all the people you see this week, peers, teachers, parents, neighbors, coaches, siblings. Think about the character qualities you see in them and in yourself this week. We are going to look at ourselves next week and go deeper! Get ready!!

You gals rock! I love your enthusiam and desire to meet with an old lady like me! You are a hoot and keep me young! Love you all! Have a great Friday.


  1. Xerxes- He was a very stupid king! He relied on all his advisors to pretty much take care of his kingdom. He did whatever they "sugested". He also was very selfish and uh, slept with lots of women
    Vashti- She is very brave to stand up to her so called husband and ended up being kicked out because of it.
    Mehuman- Eunch, don't really know much about him
    Biztha- Eunch, don't know much about him
    Harbona- Same
    Bigtha- Same
    Abagtha- Same
    Zethar- Same
    Carcas- Same
    Carshena- Wise advisor and knew all Persian laws/ customs, held highest position
    Shethar- Same
    Admatha- Same
    Tarshish- Same
    Meres- Same
    Marsena- Same
    Memucan- Evil, he convinced king to get rid of Vashti and the law for a new queen. (Also man can do whatever he wants in the home and say also)
    Hegai- Kind to Esther and was a eunuch in charge of kings harem
    Mordecai- Jewish and was banned from Babylon. Took orphan Esther in. Very kind man, he treated her like his daughter and checked on her often.
    Esther (Hadassah)- brave and confident with herself. she was liked by everyone!

  2. oops, forgot verse number, but: 10-16, 21-23, 7, 9, 12-15,
