Sunday, February 28, 2010

Chapter 6

Hi Gals! Good group last week! Keep praying for each other and encouraging one another.

Haman had trouble with 2 "R" words - respect and rage. He wanted respect and when he didn't get it from Mordecai he had rage. This week we'll see more of Haman's selfish heart and what goes on in his mind. Keep writing down character qualities in your notes.

Read Esther 6.

What did the king do when he couldn't sleep?

What honor was given Mordecai for exposing the assasination plot?

How does the king decide what honor to give him?

Who happens to be standing in the court? Co-incidence? Or God-incidence?

What honor does Haman want for himself (v8-9)?

What does Haman have to do?

Ironic the one who DEMANDS respect with his words has to give it to the one who COMMANDS respect by his actions!

What does Haman do after the parade?

What does his wife say to him? And what happens right after that?

Is your heart more like Haman or Mordecai?

Does Jesus know what you are thinking? Mark 2:8

Read the following and we'll discuss:
Psalm 147:6
Proverbs 3:34
James 4:10

Sunday, February 21, 2010

End of Chapter 5

Read Ester 5:9 to the end of the chapter.

v9 Why was Haman in high spirits?

What made him mad & why?

What did he do about it?

v11 What did he do when he got home?

List everything he boasted about in v11-12.

v13 Why wasn't all this enough for him?

Write down Haman's character qualities.

When have you had these same attitudes? How can you combat it?

v14 What is Haman's wife's name? What does she suggest?

What does Haman do about it?

Write down Zerash's character qualities.

Ok gals, encourage one another to get these questions aswered

Thursday, February 4, 2010

End of Chapter 4

Hi Gals! Great discussion today. Remember our small group is a place to share and know it won't be repeated outside of group - just like Vegas - what happens in Bible study STAYS in Bible study. Please respect that for each other. I will. I'm loving the time with you each week!

This week read Ester 4:12-17. Short passage but lots to think about.

What was Esther's response to Mordecai's challenge?

Think about Esther this week. What might be her hopes and dreams before she got taken into the harem? What about now? What might have been her plans for her life now that she was queen? I'm sure none of this was in her plan. What might she have thought her destiny would be both before this and after? Now she's at this huge crossroads. She obviously tried to get out of it with the Mordecai and clothes thing.

Now apply this to your life. What are your hopes and dreams? What are you going to do if God TOTALLY turns it upside down like He did with Esther? We are going to read Isaiah 43 so read it in advance if you want.

See you at GORF and next week!
God Bless.