Sunday, February 28, 2010

Chapter 6

Hi Gals! Good group last week! Keep praying for each other and encouraging one another.

Haman had trouble with 2 "R" words - respect and rage. He wanted respect and when he didn't get it from Mordecai he had rage. This week we'll see more of Haman's selfish heart and what goes on in his mind. Keep writing down character qualities in your notes.

Read Esther 6.

What did the king do when he couldn't sleep?

What honor was given Mordecai for exposing the assasination plot?

How does the king decide what honor to give him?

Who happens to be standing in the court? Co-incidence? Or God-incidence?

What honor does Haman want for himself (v8-9)?

What does Haman have to do?

Ironic the one who DEMANDS respect with his words has to give it to the one who COMMANDS respect by his actions!

What does Haman do after the parade?

What does his wife say to him? And what happens right after that?

Is your heart more like Haman or Mordecai?

Does Jesus know what you are thinking? Mark 2:8

Read the following and we'll discuss:
Psalm 147:6
Proverbs 3:34
James 4:10


  1. He asked that the attendant bring him the book of the history of his reign.

    Nothing-at first.

    He asked for someone from the outer court to decide his reward!


    He said bring out one of the king's royal robes as well as a horse
    that the king himself has ridden-one with a royal emblem on it's head.

    He has to give all of those things to Mordecai (robes/horse)And go through the city shouting This is what the king does for someone he wishes to honor!

    He goes and talks to his wife and friends and wise advisers about it and how humiliated he was. Then he had to go to the banquet with Esther and the king.

    She says "Since Mordecai-this man who has humiliated you-is of Jewish birth, you will never succeed in your plans against him. It will be fatal to continue opposing him."

    He has to go to the banquet.

    I would say an inbetweener.

    He ALWAYS knows. The only people that know our hearts are God and us. Sometimes, it's only God, we deceive ourselves.

  2. He ordered the book of chronicals to be brought in and read to him.

    He was not given any honnor until the King broughthis attention to this subject.

    He asked someone in the court to decide what a man who delighted the king should get.


    Haman decides to give the man the royal robe horse and march him around the town.

    He thought the king meant him so he said that he should get the royal robe horse and march him around the town.

    March Mordeci around honnoring him.

    Haman goes to his family in grief afterwards.

    In short she thinks Haman should drop trying to get bac at mordeci and just go on with life.
    Haman gets called to the banquet.

    I say just like what we talked about at gorf my heart is more towards Haman but I am facing Mordeci.

    Jesus always knows what you are thinking even before you think it for your self. you can't hide anything from him.
